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Engagement envers le supérieur et l’organisation, et rétention des employés : le rôle modérateur de l’identité organisationnelle perçue du supérieur
Christian VANDENBERGHE2008
L’article examine les relations entre, d’une part, l’engagement envers le supérieur et l’organisation et, d’autre part, les intentions de départ et le roulement du personnel en fonction de l’identité organisationnelle perçue du supérieur.
Lien de telechargementPsychological Climate, Empowerment, Leadership Style, and Customer- Oriented Selling: An Analysis of the Sales Manager-Salesperson Dyad
Craig A. MARTIN et Alan J. BUSH2006
This study examined antecedents and performance related consequences of customer-oriented selling. The antecedents include sales managers' leadership styles, psychological empowerment, and the psychological climates of organizations.
Lien de telechargementEmpowering Employees: The Moderating Role of Perceived Organisational Climate and Justice
Jean S.BOUDRIAS, Luc BRUNET, Alexandre J.S. MORIN, André SAVOIE, Patrick PLUNIER et Gerlanda2010
The objective of this study is to assess whether organisational climate and justice perceptions moderate the relationship between supervisor empowering managerial practises (SEMPs) and employees’ behavioural...
Lien de telechargementPsychological empowerment and organizational commitment: the moderating effect of organizational learning culture
Baek-Kyoo (Brian) Joo et Ji Hyun Shim2010
This paper examines the influence of psychological empowerment on organizational commitment and the moderating effect of organizational learning culture on the relationship.
Lien de telechargementFatalism and its implications for risky road use and receptiveness to safety messages: a qualitative investigation in Pakistan
Qualitative research was undertaken with a range of drivers, religious orators, police and policy makers. Findings indicate that fatalistic beliefs are pervasive in Pakistan, are strongly linked with religion..
Lien de telechargementIslamic Fatalism and the Clash of Civilizations: An Appraisal of a Contentious and Dubious Theory
Gabriel A. ACEVEDO2008
This paper will address the question of Islamic fatalism. Survey data will be used to assess Samuel P. Huntington's controversial "Clash of Civilizations" thesis and its emphasis on fatalism as an inherent characteristic of Islamic religion..
Lien de telechargementSuperstition, risk-taking and risk perception of accidents among South African taxi drivers
Karl PELTZER et Walter RENNER2003
The aim of this study was to investigate taxi drivers’ superstition and risk perception of accidents as well as risk-taking in an urban area in South Africa. One hundred and thirty drivers of minibuses, so-called “taxis” were interviewed on the basis of:
Lien de telechargementLow rates of child restraint system use in cars may be due to fatalistic beliefs and other factors
Khier OMARI et Orna BARON-EPEL2013
Restraining children in cars has proven to save lives during car crashes. However, not all drivers of cars with children in them comply with the law regarding child restraint system (CRS) use. The aim of this study was to measure the rate of child and a
Lien de telechargementBeliefs and the Perception of Risks and Accidents
This article presents a certain number of thoughts and results based upon research camed out on causal attributions of traffic accidents in The Ivory Coast (West Africa) and discusses the importance of culture in risk-taking and accident prevention
Lien de telechargementCulture de sûreté
Agence Internationale de l'Energie Atomique1991
Ce rapport propose une définition et apporte des précisions sur le concept de culture de sûreté vu par l'agence international de l'énergie atomique
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